yesterday...i spent what seemed like 17 hours in my living hell of christmas usual i left it till the last minute, which meant everywhere was packed, as if everyone in Plymouth was trying to escape from a radioactive bomb!
Recently, my mate Tom came over from far far away. We had a good catch up and talked about getting a lyricist to spit on my legendary Pinochio beat, which has remained naked for quite a few years now.
At the moment, I am having crabs, lobsters and oysters...shit, i've lost my train of thought. what i was trying to say, was, i am having regular reflexology from my old school mate Carly, which is wicked as the reflexology is really enjoyable, and its nice to just chat about our mates and social life.
Still thinking about the next album, which is gonna be called 'Despite Everything'...i'm going to push to make it different again. it will probably be a combination of samples and stuff that I have composed and played.
I seem to be getting in cars a lot more now, which is definately getting easier, using just the door to grab onto and swinging round, which means i can pretty much get into any car, which is cool.
A few weeks back, i got pissed of at some comments posted on one of my youtube videos. They have no understanding of anything. They think they are being funny when they are just not. I can't be bothered with these people, so i shall just carry on regardless.
So...30 now..I had a couple of drinks down the barbican with mum, dad, my sister and was a good night. It is surprising how being 30 feels no older than I was at 29...just more of a goon maybe.
My mate Chaz called to say he couln't make was good to catch up with him.
In my piano lessons, i have been using different techniques to play....using more of my fingers, which is working really well.
I seem to be missing lots of my mates, as lots have moved away, especially goods who ihave really got to know over the last few years...and now they live so far away...d'oh!
one more thing...kiss my still scratching, 30 year old face!
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